
Saturn transit 2023 / Shani peyarchi 2023

Shani or Saturn is commonly said to be the most dangerous planet in our astrological chart. However, this statement is not entirely accurate. Shani is one of the nine planets in the Vedic astrology and is often referred to as the "God of justice".

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Shani peyarchi 2023

Shani peyarchi consultation   :  ₹500

The transit reading is a unique service that focuses on the effects of transits on your personal life. It provides an analysis of your natal chart with respect to changes caused by important planetary transits experienced over the course of your lifetime. The report will reveal information about health, wealth, career, marriage and children that you may have been looking for. Take this Astrology report at once!
Saturn, the planet of karma and obstacles, is about to pass over your birth sign.

This transit can bring big changes in career, finance, marriage and children.

We will carefully examine your horoscope for this transit and give you a detailed video prediction of what you can expect at every stage of the transit.

If you have any questions in particular we will be happy to answer them.
  • no softwares are used.
  • all the reports will be confidential.
  • the report will be provided within 24 hrs.
  • the video will be send to your whatsapp.
  • for next 7 days you can clarify your doubts about the prediction free of cost.
  • we use nadi techniques and lagna to arrive at the calculation.

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  • shani

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    What happens during Saturn transit?
    Saturn or Shani is the slowest moving planet among all the other planets. That’s why Shani transit is considered to be very important and marks a major part in each and everyone’s life depending upon the position or placement of Saturn in their horoscope.
    How long do Saturn transits last?
    When people have the Saturn transit in their horoscope, it usually lasts approximately 19 years. The duration of the Saturn or Shani transit is approximately 2.5 years and its transit impact is high. Saturn's own house is Capricorn and Aquarius. This 2023 Shani transit will be twice and both will be on its own house. First, on January 17, 2023 from Capricorn to Aquarius, then on April 2025 from Aquarius to Capricorn
    In which house is Saturn now?
    Saturn's own house is Capricorn and Aquarius. This 2023 Shani transit will be twice and both will be on its own house. First, on April 29, 2023 from Capricorn to Aquarius, then on February 16, 2024 from Aquarius to Capricorn.
    Does Saturn always delay marriage?
    A Saturn return will bring about major endings or new beginnings, depending on where you're at in your life. ... "Choices made in the blush of youth, don't necessarily withstand the test of time." Many times people also get married during a Saturn return. If they do, Hale says it could be a "fated relationship."
    Can you get married during Saturn return?
    A Saturn return will bring about major endings or new beginnings, depending on where you're at in your life. ... "Choices made in the blush of youth, don't necessarily withstand the test of time." Many times people also get married during a Saturn return. If they do, Hale says it could be a "fated relationship."
    What happens after your first Saturn return?
    With the first Saturn return, a person leaves youth behind and enters adulthood. With the second return, maturity. And with the third and usually final return, a person enters wise old age. These periods are estimated to occur at roughly the ages of 27–31, 56–60 and 84–90.
    Where is Saturn now Vedic?
    This 2023 Shani transit will be twice and both will be on its own house. First, on April 29, 2023 from Capricorn to Aquarius, then on February 16, 2024 from Aquarius to Capricorn.
    How do you survive a Saturn transit?
    Shani or Saturn is commonly said to be the most dangerous planet in our astrological chart. However, this statement is not entirely accurate. Shani is one of the nine planets in the Vedic astrology and is often referred to as the "God of justice". He decides a person's Karmic output, be it good or bad.
    How do I find my Saturn transit?
    But transit will keep moving for eons and the transit simply means the early movement of the planets. So sure you have Saturn in the sign of Scorpio at your birth and Saturn is in the sixth house.